The benefits of soy products: tofu, soy milk ...
Soy contains substances that have many health benefits. One unique and interesting example is a group of Isoflavones geistein, daidzein, which acts like the estrogen hormone in the body. Soybeans and soy products are particularly useful for women especially at menopause. Because estrogen is a key hormone that controls the body's bone building. It also helps keep the moisture. Elasticity of the skin. Eat tofu or soy milk is another great way to help women reduce or mitigate the adverse effects of menopause.
Other benefits are more interesting, because soy is not only benefits women. However, men and children have both benefited from soybean The data will be discussed further.
• The research found that Soy products. Reduce and prevent Breast cancer and alleviate side effects of menopause.
• that help prevent and cure heart disease Because the food has no Cholesterol and high fiber also has Omega 3 and Vitamin E.
• that help protect against cancer and prostate cancer. Although the mechanism of it, we still do not know. But the researchers found that Man eat much more soy products. The prostate cancer was found even less
• help prevent gastrointestinal diseases. Because soybean fiber is high. These fiber cleans the digestive system and the study also found that soy products reduce the risk of colon cancer.
• a major source of protein for vegetarian. Because soy contains amino acid essential.
• Use water instead of cow's milk. In children allergic to cow's milk allergy and lactose in milk. We can use soy milk to compensate.
• Use a food for diabetics. Because soybeans with less sugar. And no cholesterol.
You will see enough benefits that are in the soy milk or tofu or soy products, tofu That we can not be overlooked. For those who love all health.
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